The ColoHealth Health & Wealth Newsletter
July 2020
Vol. 23, Issue 7


What to Do if You Get COVID-19

Simple answers to the questions that are on everyone’s mind

Even as cases of COVID-19 are continuing to spike across the county, there are a great many among us who have been fortunate enough to avoid it. By following stay-at-home suggestions and social distancing guidelines, it is possible to protect yourself (and others) from catching the bug.

But even the most diligent people are at risk of contracting COVID-19. For this reason, it is a good idea to know what to do if you or a family member gets sick.

In this guide, we are going to answer some of the most important questions about COVID-19, as well as some tips on how to stay protected.

The First Steps to Take if You Get Sick

If you notice any symptoms, the first thing to do is stay home. Even if you don’t have COVID-19, staying at home is the most effective way to prevent the transmission of your illness, not to mention help you recover.

If you develop one of the symptoms that is associated with COVID-19, then it might be time to utilize your telehealth benefits (more on that in a bit) to have a medical professional screen you for coronavirus. Because of the inherent danger of visiting a COVID-19 care facility, many providers require a telehealth screening before scheduling you for a test.

Here are the primary symptoms of COVID-19 that you should be on the lookout for, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):

  • Nausea / Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Body or muscle aches
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of taste and/or smell
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Diarrhea

If you develop any of the above symptoms, then you should take immediate action to help prevent the spread of the virus. These actions include wearing a cloth face covering if you are going to be around other people, or even better, isolating yourself from other individuals.

When to Seek Emergency Attention

There are some warning signs and symptoms that could indicate an emergency. If you see any of the following emergency warning signs, you should seek emergency care immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Pressure or lasting pain in the chest
  • Bluish-colored lips or face
  • Confusion
  • Inability to Stay Awake

Health Insurance & The Coronavirus: What’s Covered

Whether you have a more traditional ACA-qualified health insurance plan or are a member of a Health Care Sharing Program, the cost of the COVID-19 test is guaranteed to be covered. This is made possible through a recent act of congress, so even individuals without any type of coverage can be tested free of charge, provided that the test was ordered by a medical professional.

However, this does not mean that all of the costs associated with your visit are going to be covered. While the cost of the test itself is taken care of, you still might encounter out-of-network costs or hidden hospital fees. In some case

As usual, the best way to protect yourself from hidden charges is to stay vigilant and ask a lot of questions. Remember, it’s your health. You should be the one to take charge of it.

Telemedicine: It’s About Time

In response to the pandemic, health insurance plans and health share programs have vastly increased access to telehealth benefits. With telemedicine, it is possible to visit with a medical professional over the phone or Internet. Not only does this help prevent the spread of the virus by allowing you to stay at home, but it also saves you the time, trouble, and gas associated with driving to your doctor.

Telehealth appointments can be used to screen individuals for COVID-19, but they can be used just as easy to request prescription refills or get a consultation on other health issues. If you have never used your telehealth benefits before, now is a better time than any to give them a look.

More Tips for Staying Healthy in a Pandemic

While some places in the country have seen the rates of infection start to drop, other areas are seeing sharp spikes. No matter where you are, there are some things everyone can do to minimize their risk.

  • Practice Good Basic Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, and be sure to cover your coughs and sneezes. Frequently used surfaces should be disinfected frequently.
  • Avoid Public Transportation: this includes ride-shares and taxis, which don’t often have the ability to disinfect their surfaces frequently enough.
  • If Possible, Stay Home: While the stay-at-home orders are different everywhere you go, there is no question that the best way to prevent transmission of the virus is to avoid people in general.
  • Consider a Face Mask: While we still have a lot to learn about COVID-19, there is a significant wealth of data supporting the use of face coverings to help prevent transmission. If you have breathing problems or are otherwise unable to wear a mask, then be sure to cover your coughs and sneezes. Remember, coughing into your elbow or arm is safer than using your hand.
  • Get Some Exercise: There is no better protection for your overall health than a bit of good old-fashioned exercise. It can also boost your immune system, decreasing the likelihood that you will catch the coronavirus.
  • Don’t Neglect Other Health Issues: In recent months, many people across the country have neglected to seek treatment for health issues that they don’t think are “serious enough” to warrant a doctor’s visit. With the use of telehealth benefits, it is possible to stay on top of your health without even leaving the house. Letting a condition worsen is a good way to earn a trip to the emergency room.

Stay Informed, Alert, & In Control of Your Health Care

Regardless of the pandemic, the most effective way to take control of your health care is by educating yourself, staying alert, and asking a lot of questions. If you are unsure about whether or not you are covered for COVID-19, or you are looking for a more affordable way to stay covered, give us a call.

To Your Health and Wealth,



Wiley P. Long III
President- ColoHealth



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