The ColoHealth Health & Wealth Newsletter
December 2023
Vol. 26, Issue 16
Back to Basics: Twelve Keys to a Healthy Lifestyle
I’ve always been a health nut.
At the same time that I started ColoHealth, I was getting a Masters Degree in exercise science and nutrition. I learned a lot about physiology, organic chemistry, biomechanics, and cellular nutrition.
It was all fascinating. But the more I learned, the more I realized that most of our health outcomes are rooted in just a handful of basic principles.
Get these right, and turn them into habits over time, and you can do a lot to prevent medical problems and reduce your healthcare expenses later in life.
Here’s I what I learned:
1. Take ownership
It’s your body—take care of it.
Nobody else can do it for you. Don’t blame your spouse, your kids, your parents, your job, your doctors, or anyone else. From today on, your health is your responsibility.
2. 90% of weight loss happens in the kitchen. Not in the gym
You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet.
You think you can in your 20s. But by the time you’re 50, you’ll find that that approach doesn’t work, long term.
Take control of your kitchen, and be conscious of everything you put in your mouth.
3. Eat sensible portions
Measure out what’s right for you, and know when to stop.
4. Get off the couch
Sedentary lifestyles are deadly.
Get up, get out of the house, and run, bike, or walk around. This is especially important if you work at a desk.
5. Strength training is important
Spend time with active friends, not couch potatoes.
6. Strength training is important
Cardio is important, too, but not sufficient by itself.
Get out there and challenge yourself with weights or bodyweight exercises designed to build muscle. But it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
7. There’s lots of cardio in weightlifting
If you do it right.
No weights? Any kind of resistance training helps. Try pushups, pilates, yoga, or lunges. Or put books or other heavy objects in a gym bag and lift that over your head. Anything goes! Work your muscles to burnout, and you’ll rev your heart rate in the process.
8. Complicated diets don’t work, long-term.
Keep it simple, stupid.
General Patton used to say, “The perfect is the mortal enemy of the good.” Similarly, a decent, simple diet exercised consistently over time is better than a complicated meal plan that’s too exhausting to stick with.
9. Quit smoking
This is one of the most important things you can do, period.
It not only preserves your health in the long run; it also saves significant money now.
10. Limit sugars and starches
Think sugar, white bread, potatoes, or rice.
These spike your insulin, screw up your metabolism, and can lead to diabetes. Instead, replace them with green vegetables, and if you’re not vegan – meat and fish.
11. Recognize stress and depressive eating when it happens
If you catch yourself doing it, go for a walk or bike ride instead.
If it happens a lot, ask your doctor for help. Both conditions are treatable.
12. Put the phone down at bedtime
Poor sleep patterns lead to multiple health problems, poor work performance, and accidents.
13. Drink no calories
Sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, Starbucks frappes, and beers are all counterproductive.
Even fruit juices contain a lot of sugar… and calories. Many people have experienced very positive health results and weight loss just by eliminating high-calorie drinks.
Instead, replace them with water, seltzers, plain tea and coffee, and (in limited amounts) zero-calorie sodas.
Your path to a healthy lifestyle is a personal one, and finding what works for you is the key to a long and healthy life. The small steps we take now lay the foundation for our future health.
To Your Health and Wealth,
Wiley P. Long III
President- ColoHealth
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