ColoHealth Money-Saving Benefits
Save Money on Prescription Drugs, Lab Fees, and More!
Prescription Drug Discounts 
There is a wide variation in pricing on prescription drugs, and smart shoppers can save a lot of money by doing some comparison shopping. To help you lower your prescription costs even further, ColoHealth has two resources which may dramatically reduce your prescription drug costs.
The first is a Prescription Drug Discount Card that you can download immediately, cut out, and put in your wallet. You’ll have access to online pricing, so you can be sure you’re getting the best price available before you head to the pharmacy. This card is widely accepted, offers go od discounts, and we recommend you always check prices with this card even if your insurance company also provides a discount prescription card.
We have another resource that will research worldwide prices on prescription drugs, all sourced directly from the manufacturer. If there are significant savings for your medications, you qualify to order a 90-day supply at a time. Click on the link above to access both of these benefits.
Lab Fee Discounts 
The biggest markups in medicine are for prescription drugs and lab tests. Instead of paying full retail price for things like blood work, ColoHealth clients and visitors have access to discounted pricing that reduces the costs by as much as 80%. Simply go online, order the tests you want, and then head to the closest participating lab to have the test run. Results are usually available within 48 hours.
Bill Negotiation Service 
Insurance companies and major employers have the power to negotiate with doctors and hospitals to receive lower prices than the general public gets, something the average individual can’t do. Because of ColoHealth’s large presence in the marketplace, you now have access to the same service, risk free. Before paying a medical bill, our members simply submit your claims to our negotiation service, and if they can negotiate a reduced bill you get to keep 65% of the savings! If they are unable to negotiate any further price reductions, then you pay nothing.
Annual Comprehensive Policy Review 
Because insurance premiums regularly go up, and because your needs may change, every year our insurance clients are offered a Comprehensive Policy Review at absolutely no charge. At this time we’ll run quotes on competing plans, and let you know if it might make sense to apply for a different plan. Allowing us to do this on a regular basis will likely save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the coming years.
Imaging Discounts 
Save anywhere from 25% to 70% off major medical imaging procedures such as MRIs, x-rays and ultrasounds. It’s easy. Simply download your free card today and schedule through the 800 number.
At ColoHealth you not only have access to the lowest health insurance rates available, but we’ll also do our best to keep you well-informed about even more ways you can save money on your medical expenses!
Health Insurance Instant Quote
- Plans approved and authorized under the Affordable Care Act
- Covers Pre-Existing conditions
- Low cost subsidized plans available to those earning
< 400% of the federal poverty level - Unlimited lifetime benefits
- Available during open enrollment (November 1 – January 15), or if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period
Healthshare Instant Quote
- Not health insurance, but a way for like-minded individuals to share medical expenses
- Waiting periods on pre-existing conditions
- May exclude sharing for certain conditions or activities
- Enroll any time
- Much lower monthly cost than unsubsidized health insurance