Health & Wealth Report Past Issues
Health insurance is overly-complicated and way more expensive than it should be. Our Health & Wealth Report is a monthly update with tips on how you can better manage your money and your risk. Subscribe for free, click here.
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Health Insurance Instant Quote
- Plans approved and authorized under the Affordable Care Act
- Covers Pre-Existing conditions
- Low cost subsidized plans available to those earning
< 400% of the federal poverty level - Unlimited lifetime benefits
- Available during open enrollment (November 1 – January 15), or if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period
Healthshare Instant Quote
- Not health insurance, but a way for like-minded individuals to share medical expenses
- Waiting periods on pre-existing conditions
- May exclude sharing for certain conditions or activities
- Enroll any time
- Much lower monthly cost than unsubsidized health insurance