by Misty Berryman | Feb 4, 2021 | Health Sharing, Healthshare plans, Oneshare Health
Even before the pandemic, Colorado residents were struggling more than ever to pay for the costs of healthcare. Between constantly rising premiums and the shady (if not downright predatory) US hospital system, it’s a surprise that any of us can afford the cost of...
by Leslie Alford | Oct 21, 2019 | Health Insurance, Health Share Program, Health Sharing, Healthshare plans
Healthshare programs are affordable healthcare alternatives that are growing in popularity — but they aren’t health insurance and aren’t regulated in the same way. This distinction leads to frequent questions of how healthshares work and gives birth to the occasional...
by Misty Berryman | Sep 23, 2019 | Healthshare plans
In Colorado, unlike in most states, you still have until January 15 to decide on the best health care coverage for you, so there’s still time, but you shouldn’t put it off. Here are some reasons why you should consider switching to a health care sharing plan. 1. With...
by Misty Berryman | Apr 22, 2019 | Health Care, Health Insurance, Health Savings Accounts, Healthshare plans
In what many advisers call an overdue victory for America’s working class, the House Ways and Means Committee passed 11 bills to House in July that accomplish a myriad of goals. Aimed at providing Americans with an assortment of affordable health care options, each...
by Leslie Alford | Nov 20, 2018 | Health Insurance, Health Savings Accounts, Health Share Program, Healthshare plans
It is that time of year again. Open enrollment. You must choose your coverage and enroll by January 15, the last day to enroll in Colorado. However, if you want your coverage to be effective on January 1, 2019, you must enroll by December 15, 2018. Make sure that you...
by Misty Berryman | Aug 22, 2018 | Health Insurance, Health Share Program, Healthshare plans
From the city to the slopes, there are a lot of reasons why we choose to live in Colorado. But the one benefit that is often overlooked is the access that residents have to not only top quality care providers, but also health insurance options with some of the lowest...